Euclid Beach Park
July 16, 2011 from 11am - 7pm Visit Diorama! a Euclid Beach Pop up Event
A Museum of Beach Ephemera : A Proposal of the Intuitive Research Society
participating artists: Wes Johansen, Vanessa LaValle & Liza Rifkin
By showcasing the wear of time and natural patterns created by decay and emphasizing the process of rust, discoloration, and nature reclaiming the metal we explore the passing of time and the culture of Euclid Beach Park. Our work explores the themes of Diorama with our own perspective.
The beach is a place of relaxation and amusement; the detritus of the beach is a memento to ephemeral days spent lounging in the hot sun. We will set up white pedestals on the sand that exhibit handmade beach jewelry and artifacts we create for this event through found objects for this gallery on the shore.
Cleveland has boasted many neighborhood amusement parks, dance halls and thousands of soda fountains during the Golden years. Everyone who lived it loved it, and everyone who didn’t is nostalgic for those good old days. In another 500 years this will be an archaeological site where the future looks to answers on our culture.
For more on Euclid Beach State Park:
"Euclid Beach State Park, located in Cleveland's east side neighborhood of
Collinwood, serves as a calm reminder of a grand space with a lively past. This historic amusement park and former summer destination for thousands sits quiet on the shores of Lake Erie since the summer of 1969. Forty years later, the story of Euclid Beach continues as we explore its possibilities.
The “Euclid Beach Blast!” calls the public to celebrate the less read story lines of Euclid Beach and showcase the park in terms of what it is and what it can be; a place with a living and breathing history and engaging public space for active recreation, preservation, environmental stewardship and community gatherings" - from the event website.